Changelog of Front End PM

= 3.1 =

* Many useful hooks are added. so anyone can change almost anything of this plugin without changing any core code of this plugin.
* Message and announcement editor now support Wp Editor.
* Now code can be posted between backticks.
* Multiple attachment in same message.
* Now you can add multiple attachment in announcement also.
* Attachment size, amount configurable.
* Now show any new message or new announcement notification in header (configurable).
* Announcement now reset after seen. User can also delete announcement from their announcement box (only for him/her).
* Now admin can see how many users seen that announcement.
* Use of transient increases so less db query.
* Now Widgets can be used multiple times.You can cofigure widgets now. You can also use hooks.
* Now use wordpress ajax for autosuggestion when typing recipent name.
* Custom CSS support. admin can add CSS from backend to add or override this plugins CSS.
* Now script and plugin files added only when needed.
* You can also add or remove any file of this plugin using hook.
* Messages between two users can be seen.
* New options are added in admin settings.
* Some CSS and JS bug fixes.
* Other some minor bug fixes.
* POT file updated.

= 2.2 =

* New option to send attachment in both pm and contact form.
* Attachment is stored in front-end-pm folder inside upload folder and contact form attachment is stored inside front-end-pm/contact-form folder.
* Message count in header bug fixes.
* Security bug fixes where non-admin user could see all messages.

= 2.1 =

* IP blacklist now support range and wildcard.
* Email address blacklist,whitelist.
* Time delay for logged out visitors also.
* Double name when auto suggestion off fixes.
* Department name bug fixes.
* Other some small bug fixes.

= 2.0 =

* Added a secure contact form.
* Manual check of contact message.
* AKISMET check of contact message.
* Can configure CAPTCHA for contact message form.
* Separate settings page for contact message.
* Can select department and to whom message will be send for that department.
* Can set separate time delay to send message of a user via contact message.
* Reply directly to Email address from front end.
* Send Email to any email addresss from front end.
* Use wordpress nonce instead of cookie.
* All forms nonce check before process.
* Added capability check to use messaging.
* Capability and nonce check before any action.
* Security Update.
* Some css fix.
* POT file updated.

= 1.3 =

* Parent ID and time check server side.
* Escape properly before input into database.
* Some css fix.
* Email template change.
* Recommended to update this plugin because some core functions (this plugin) have been changed and from this version (1.3) those functions will be used.

= 1.2 =

* Using display name instead of user_login to send message (partially).
* Send email to all users when a new announcement is published (there are options to control).
* Now admins can set time delay between two messages send by a user.
* Bug fixes in bbcode and code in content when send message.
* Security fixes in autosuggestion.
* New options are added in admin settings.
* No more sending email to sender.
* Javascript fixes.

= 1.1 =

* Initial release.

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